аааааааааааааааааааа хочу
zmicier:все хотять
Гыыы, типа эврибади ванна фак?
Сорри за офтоп:
Dear Signor Direttore,
Now I am tella you the story how i was treated at your hotella. I am comma from Palermo as an engineer to Atyrau and stay as a younga man at your hotella. When I comma in my room I see is no shit on my bed. How can I sleep with no shit on my bed?! I call down the recepcione and tella: "I wanna shit". They tell me "Go to the toilet". I say "No, no I wanna shit in my bed". They say "you betta not shit in your bed, you sonnawabitch". What is a sonnawabitch?!
I go down for ristorante for breakfast. I order bacon and eggs and two pisses of toast. I get only one pisse of toast. I tella waitress and pointa to toast - "I wanna piss". She tella me "Go to the toilet". I say "No , no, I wanna piss on my plate". She then say to me "you bloody fella not piss on the plate, you sonnawabitch". Second person who do not even know me and calle me sonnawabitch!! What is a sonnawabitch!??
Later I go dinner into ristorante. spoon and knife is laid out but no fock. I tella waitress "I wanna fock" and she tella me " Sure, everybody wanna fock". I tella her "No, no, you don?t understanda me, I wanna fock on the table". She then tella me " So you sonnawabitch, wanna fock on the table? Get your ass out of here".
So I go to the recepcione and ask for the billa. I no wanna stay in this hotella no more. When i have pay the billa, the porter say to me "Thank you, and peace on you". I say "Piss on you too, you sonnawabitch". I go back to Italy! I never more comma stay in your hotella, you sonnawabitch.
Господа фотографы, не будите ли вы столь любезны переслать мне на мыло фотки, где есть я, такой в желтой майке с синей кепкой, все Онлинер, и с беджиком на цепочке на шее. СПСБ.